An interdisciplinary framework for resource networks
City consumes resources. The pre and post stages of consumption are often unthought. The observable movement of the resource flow is coupled with people’s daily activities from work to leisure. A participatory production network is created in terms of spatial policies and development strategies, using food as a design tool. The era of active consumerism has brought to the front, a culture of convenience based lifestyle and also a load in the city’s metabolic chain. This load is taken into the economy in the form of active/passive investments. The underused resources are invested from the households, distributed throughout the designed energy flow and made ready for consumption where produced resources are then driven back to be a part of people’s microeconomy. The never-ending exchange shapes the socio-culture of people, political and physical attributes of the city timelessly with value exchange as a constant. The stakeholders’ act of investment gives a sense of partnership and a constant assistance in sustaining it. The landlocks, tanks, watercourses, plotted agricultural fields with built stocks makes the topography. The untapped potential of designing the resource flows is utilized to evolve spatial schemes that adapt to the economy’s time and needs. The never-ending flow of resources creates long-term trade-offs across the shifting ecosystems and ever-changing society, making it resilient.
NASA India
Spatial Trade Off’s (Special Mention, NASA, 2021)
Gsen Trophy, Nasa, Architectural schools, India, Architectural competitions
College Name: Thiagarajar College of Engineering
College code: Z612
Participants: Akshaya Anand, Jeeva N, Uma Rani, Mohamed Mansoor, Shenbaga Nivas, Shanmuganathan M